Friday, November 21, 2008

I ve founded it.. XD

A few of my favorite song to share.

你是我神 如此靠近 就像我的氣息
我全所有 是你所造 你托住我生命
你的榮美 吸引我心 主我更深愛你

主 向我吹氣 親愛聖靈 求充滿我的生命
隱藏你蔭庇下 停留你同在裡 我渴慕認識你

你的旋律 佔據我心 一生歌唱不停
我這一生 有你同在 我心不再畏懼
你的榮美 吸引我心 主我更深愛你

主 向我吹氣 親愛聖靈 求充滿我的生命
隱藏你蔭庇下 停留你同在裡 我渴慕認識你

生命中每一天 我要等候你
在你的同在裡 我得更新
生命中每一刻 都要敬拜你
你已潔淨我心 我生命 活水江河湧流不停


Hold me close

Shine like stars

hehe.. these are some songs i sang at Fight For Christ in Melaka. the songs of worship are GREAT!! Its a revival camp for youth. So all youngsters out there, i strongly recommend this camp for you to get more of the lord and know HIM all over again. Its an exciting moment for me each time i went. I was revived by the spirit of the lord. All the speakers are blessed by the lord with their message.
I give thank to the LORD up heaven for each opportunity to be with HIM.
the next date of this event is on 24-27 August 2009. Don't miss it!! (you can book the ticket after you ve decided, cause its cheap now. XD...)

this is the t-shirt of this year. 54'C: the Challenger.

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