Sunday, November 23, 2008

worship with your heart

when is the last time you worship the God of heaven, the holy one that gave salvation through His only son?

when is the last time you sing with your heart and let the music played, the lyrics sung guide you to give it all to the lord and have faith in him?

when is the last time you desire to go in the Lord's presence, a thirsty soul that longing to be filled with the holy spirit, the joy and comfort indescribable?

when is the last time you seek the Lord's face when things trouble your mind, even it is just choosing a good hairstyle?

when is the last time you be still and know that the Lord is God?

this is a video I've found that i think its something all christian should know.

The gift of worship

the Lord is a loving God, a caring father, a God that desire to give all beautiful thing to his
children. all you need to do is open you mouth and ask.

'So I say to you: ask and it will be given to you,' ( Luke 11:9 )

my friend, pray for yourself and ask the Lord your God to revive you all over again. =)

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